The Music of Chuck Norris’ Walker, Texas Ranger
As we journey through every skull cracking episode of Walker, Texas Ranger for the Podcast we’ll keep this blog and Spotify playlist up to date with related tunes!

The Many Tropes of Chuck Norris’ Walker, Texas Ranger: A Working Glossary
In any show that spans nearly a decade, it’s hard not to rely upon a few tropes and plot devices that work; Walker, Texas Ranger is certainly no exception! To make things easier on the WTR viewer (and or anyone listening to our podcast) we’ve created this working list of definitions for said tropes.

How to watch episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger
In the streaming era, Walker, Texas Ranger has kept a mean chokehold on TV syndication. Bobbing and weaving between the latest Western and All Night Testosterone Network to even the Hallmark Channel at one point, it’s predominantly stand-alone episode format and ginormous episode count have kept it in constant rotation since the show wrapped in 2001. As such, it is one of the last streaming holdouts and isn’t even available for purchase digitally. So what options does that leave the would be Walker fan?